Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Poor Kid!!!

So last night (Oct ) Right before we left eilsel's party some kids shut emilios hand in the door. Worst part was even after he started screaming the kids didn't stop pushing and there was like half a dozen of them. When liz realized what was happening she ran over and literally had to push kids out of the way to get them to stop pushing on the door. So when she finally had him in her arms she looked and his finger was completely split open! We ran home( across the street) and called 911. The poor kid was hysterical the whole way to the hospital and since liz doesn't handle blood and needles all that well ( its really bad when shes prego) i had to be the one to take him back and hold him while they put the stitches in. It was one of the worst experiences of my life, not because of the blood or anything, I had to hold him down and try to tell him it was ok and try to calm him down even though i didn't blame him for crying.
The Doctor actually said i did a good job with him. I ended up singing him to sleep. I kind of felt bad for the doctors though emilio crying and my singing could not have been the highlight of their night!

So were told to have him move it as little as possible so weve been letting him watch a lot of movies and TV. Hes new favorite movie is the Wizard of Oz he want's to watch it ALL the time!

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